Fellowship Meal Guidelines

We are so blessed every Sunday to continue fellowship after service by enjoying a meal together downstairs.  Our goal is to begin the meal with prayer at 12:45pm and begin clean-up around 2:00pm. If you are planning to attend, we ask that you contribute to the meal if possible. If you can't contribute, please feel free to join us anyway!

You can sign-up using the link that is sent out the week prior. Note that this link is new every week and it may not be generated until Saturday evening. The sign-up has several options for participation. This includes a main dish, a side dish, or a dessert.  If cooking is not your forte, you can also sign-up to help clean after the fellowship using the same link.

The first Sunday of every month, the deacons provide a special BBQ type meal and we as the church sign-up to bring sides, desserts, toppings, or to help clean-up. Typically, the deacons provide hamburgers and bratwursts, or taco meats.

We often have guests that join us each Sunday and we want to make sure they participate - as they feel comfortable - in our fellowship meals. This is the perfect time to get to know us better and we would hate for them to be in a position where there isn't enough food. Considering this, please bring enough for your own family plus a guest. This also helps to remove the burden of those in our church who may be struggling to participate.

Please bring ready-made items that can either be kept in a warmer or refrigerator, both are located downstairs in the hallway to the kitchen. Note that we have a lot of electrical use during any particular Sunday and if you are bringing food in a slow cooker or InstaPot, there is a surge protector located on the table along the wall that you can use. We have had too much power drawn and blown breakers in the past, so please pay attention to what others are providing so we don't overload the circuits.

Several church members have food sensitivities, autoimmune, and food allergies including celiac disease, nut and avocado allergies, and severe lactose intolerance. Please do not bring anything containing nuts, including peanuts, walnuts, pistachios, pecans, or hazelnuts.

Please LABEL any food items as:
  • Dairy-Free
  • Gluten-Free
  • Containing
    • Avocado or avocado oil
    • Legumes (including beans of any kind)
    • Onions
    • Garlic
    • Mushrooms

Please don’t forget to take home any of your leftovers, as well as the dishes you provided the food in.

Thank you for participating in this ministry!